CCM Ribcor Trigger 8 Pro (Refurbished)

- DESIGNED FOR ELITE PERFORMANCE - The CCM Ribcor Trigger 8 Pro is a top of the line hockey stick. It has been created to give players of all skill levels the very best performance and is currently being used by many pro players
- WHY REFURBISHED - You're looking to play with one of the best hockey sticks in the world but don't want to spend the money, it will far outperform any other $90 stick on the market, you won't be able to tell the difference!
- TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? Try it! HSM has sold over 30,000 refurbished sticks. We have thousands of return customers and have built this website and entire business off people telling friends and teammates
- HOCKEYSTICKMAN GUARANTEE - If you have a problem with the repaired portion of your stick HSM will provide a free replacement
- DIRECT FROM THE LOCKER ROOM - HSM does not advertise by player, but many of the sticks we sell are recognizable players from the Pro and College levels
- PLEASE NOTE - Pro stock Ribcor sticks can often have standard shaft construction