Blade 12 
Known As:
Bauer P90T (Pro Benn)
Moderate mid curve that finishes with a very open toe hook
Looking for Something Similar?:
This one’s easy. Blade 12 was created as a hybrid between Blade 1 and Blade 6, and is very reminiscent of both. From the heel through the mid section it is very similar to Blade 1, but finishes with a Blade 6 style toe hook.
What it’s Good For:
Blade 12 combines many of the benefits of Blades 1 and 6. Not only a great shooter’s curve (especially when lifting the puck), the hook allows for toe drags and great stickhandling in traffic. Overall it is a super versatile curve for well-rounded play styles.
With the fairly deep Blade 1 style mid section, backhands can be difficult as there is not much flat surface area to work with. On the forehand, the open face can cause pucks to sail high or otherwise flutter off to the side for less experienced users.
Pro Players Using This Curve (or Similar):
Jamie Benn is the flagship user and originator of this curve, which was custom created at his request. Since then, other NHL stars like Evander Kane and Andrew Ladd have also been known to favour Blade 12, and it gains popularity with more users every year.
Our Take:
Combining the two most popular curves in hockey was never likely to fail, and in this case it was expertly done to create a great, versatile curve that plays to the strengths of both Blade 1 and Blade 6. One of our favourite patterns of the past couple of years, we expect to see this one a lot more in coming seasons.